Sunday, December 5, 2010

Unanimous Call

WOW! What an EP!!! After weeks of waiting (I's been like years!) I really loved the new EP! well.....let's see what we had....two HOT brothers....the new face of a really bad/cool demon ...  one super HOT and super funny angel ... the king of hell....and a really frustrating Grandpa.....guess we can call it the deal of the week!!!!

Honestly, I didn't expect to see Meg becoming so cool!!! She was a real B**** before and's kinda like her soft side!!!! Not bad for a demon!!!

Cas, as cool and awesome as ever....he's really a true knight! He saves the day and he saves his matter what it takes.

Then we have Crowly....or NOT!!!! Is he seriously gone for good? Common! That can't be real!!!! If so....then who's the new boss?
And our beloved Grandpa!!!! What happens to his deal with Crowly?? No....I can't believe that!!!! I know.... he was bad and everything....but he was so funny!!! And mean!!!! Anyway.....if Dean doesn't kill Grandpa when he meets up with him....I am!!! Seriously....the guy is supposed to be smart and he has all different kinds of experiences and everything.....what the hell? Is totally gone mad? Dude needs some kind of upgrade or something. you miss your daughter and everything....and you know you both are dead!! What the hell? Why you even come back in the first place? I don't really get him!!!! Do you?

And last but not least.....our Supernatural, SuperHOT and Super awesome Brothers!!!! Sam, he was supposed to be the one listening and Dean was supposed to be least that's what I thought things were going to be like after last EP! Well.....I was wrong!!!! Sam calls the shots!!!! And Dean just goes by!!!!!Not bad...but not what I wanted to see either!!!!!
After all.....Maybe it's better for Sam not to have a soul....and maybe it's not that easy for them to repair the damage......but I know one thing for sure.....Dean is not the one to give up easy! he has always done the right thing...and I don't think he's about to stop here!!!! that's the only truthful thing I've been counting on so far... and again ... angels and demons were kinda unanimous about the Apocholypse too!!!!Right?