Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Well, I was supposed to be here sooner ....., to make long story short, I was waiting for a special moment just like this .... Now I’m back, just like our boys!!! WOW!!!finally!!!!

You know! From the Ep 15, I thought they were going to make all the fanfics and just the idea scared me!! no offence to the fanfic writers, cause I know some of them, and I believe they're awesome....but some of the others were pure fiction!!! I mean we have fiction, and then we have fiction!!!!! I'm pretty sure you guys know what I mean. Then the mother of all came and Grandpa died, then Helen and Joe revived ... I mean ... common!!!! What happen to the shoot first, ask questions later???? ACDC?!! Rock songs?!!!

But as they say, there's always hope!!! And there truly was!!!! I really enjoyed the last EP, EP 18: Frontierland!!!! There, we had our boys in action!!! Actually in cowboy dresses!!!! And Cas in a fight!!! a Bad angel!!!!! I really like the sound of that!!!! BAD ANGEL!!!!! :D it was pure awesomeness!!!! Don’t believe me? Just look at the pics:

Guess right now I'm too excited!!!! But WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO for our boys!!!! And of course all the supernatural members and crew!!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The French Mistake

well, well, well....

Hi everyone!! how are you doing? cause I'm awesome! I know I'm a little two weeks late ... but late is better than never right? anyway... Have you seen the last EP? EP 15? "the French mistake"?!! wasn't that cool? well.... I think it was very cool...but kinda different than what I expected! you know...the whole acting and storyline was good, but I'm not sure what, but I'm sure something's missing. don't you?
I know the deal with Balthazar and Cas....but this....unexpected reappearance ... and using boys as a decoy... I don't know!!! these boys are important people! even Death knows that!!! they can't be used as objects!! one more reason for me to hate Raphael!!!!
but I liked seeing Sam and Dean as Jensen and Jared!!! cool !!! way to go boys!!!! but you know what? the Bobby Singer thing was a little off for me! don't know.... I think, or better say feel it's a little (sorry, a lot) different in the real backstage!!!! but again, maybe it's just me?!

let’s not forget how funny and hilarious was this EP!!!! I mean, just look at their faces!!!!

hey! if you feel the same as me, you must think where the hell is "Mother of al things"?!!!! she's kinda like the second but most horrible is it gonna happen? I mean ....are our boys loosing their touch? what happened with Sam? he had an episode of hell and it's over now? common! don't make me regret loving you for a few eps!!!! please!!!!!!

In the end, I’m gonna put one pics EP 13, made by my very cool and supernatural friend, Girish. Thanks man. You’re the best

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Like a Virgin

Wow!! I think we all need to take a deep breath and take it in! oh…wait, it was only me who saw it just now, you all have seen this last EP before me! Anyway….it was seriously breath taking, wasn’t it? I mean, after what Death did, which by the way was really good, and stylish, every minute I was waiting for Sam to flip and do something strange!!! I don’t know why….but I was on my toes until Castiel showed up! And at that time, I was so worried. I know, I never been a Sam friendly fan, but this time, I was really worried for him. I sure didn’t wand my…sorry Julia, our Dean to suffer more. And what a good thing that Sam is back!!!!

But again, another Apocalypse?????? I think this one’s even bigger than the last one! I know Lucifer wasn’t joking around and everything, but the whole thing was more realistic…..this time, they are taking a really big chance and step! Mother of all!!! And she has to be a virgine?! Now that’s so so so so so so …… fantasy!!!! And scary to be honest!!! For the first time, I have to admit I’m glad that Supernatural is just a show!!! Don’t you agree?

I mean …. Believing in monsters and purgatory is one thing and bringing back the mother of all scary creatures another!!!!now I’m beginning to get why demons wanted the address!! And also why all the worst monsters didn’t want anyone to know that! But there is something bugging me!! Why now? I mean of all times….why now? And one more thing. Now that Sam is sane and has a soul, and they know kinda what’s going on…. What’s the role of grandpa? Is he even necessary to be alive? I mean Crowly’s dead, as far as we know! And no one’s gonna bring back his douther!!!! Besides, one thing we’ve learned in this show, above all is: if something’s dead, it’s better stay dead, unless it’s Dean, Sam, Cas, or Bobby!!!!! So…I really don’t see the point of him being alive!!!
Anyway…maybe our boys will deal with him later on…..but for now…..I’m super happy to have them back! Really really back!!!

Way to go Supernatural!!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

(late) Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!

First of all…..Happy new Year! I know….it’s late! But late is better than never, right?
I’ve been kinda missing for a while now, even to the point that I’ve been reported missing (in facebook!!). I’m really sorry if I made you guys worried and I’m sorry that I’ve missed some of your Birthdays. :( well...
Happy Birthday Hana!
Happy Birthday Melanie!
Happy Birthday Haleh!
And Happy Birthday to all my other friends that I can’t remember…. Stupid me!
And I want to thank Jwan, my awesome friend, to keep in touch with me, even when I made it really hard for her!!! I love you girl!
I’m here to announce that I’m fine, and I miss each and every one of you guys. Due to some problems, witch I rather not discuss here, I’ve been too busy with my jobm or better say jobs now! And I just couldn’t be online anymore. The Internet connection problems are still the same too!!
Anyway, I thought that I’ve created this page to never be lost! So…..let’s keep it that way! So I ask each and every one of you who reads this, please tell all others that I miss them…. And I wait here to hear from them.
Now…let’s talk supernatural!!!!! :D
In the last EP, we saw how Dean tried to be more than a Human (that I think he really is more than a Human!!!!) and Sam and Boby…..they really surprised me! I mean I expected that from Sam…..but Boby?! Well……let’s just say that Death is still the coolest Horseman ever!!!!! Don’t you agree?

After all these weeks, I can’t wait to get my dose of Supernatural!!!!!! I keep telling myself 13 days!!! Only 13 days!!!!!! And I’m sure tomorrow I’ll say: only 12 days!!!!! .... :D