Friday, January 14, 2011

(late) Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!

First of all…..Happy new Year! I know….it’s late! But late is better than never, right?
I’ve been kinda missing for a while now, even to the point that I’ve been reported missing (in facebook!!). I’m really sorry if I made you guys worried and I’m sorry that I’ve missed some of your Birthdays. :( well...
Happy Birthday Hana!
Happy Birthday Melanie!
Happy Birthday Haleh!
And Happy Birthday to all my other friends that I can’t remember…. Stupid me!
And I want to thank Jwan, my awesome friend, to keep in touch with me, even when I made it really hard for her!!! I love you girl!
I’m here to announce that I’m fine, and I miss each and every one of you guys. Due to some problems, witch I rather not discuss here, I’ve been too busy with my jobm or better say jobs now! And I just couldn’t be online anymore. The Internet connection problems are still the same too!!
Anyway, I thought that I’ve created this page to never be lost! So…..let’s keep it that way! So I ask each and every one of you who reads this, please tell all others that I miss them…. And I wait here to hear from them.
Now…let’s talk supernatural!!!!! :D
In the last EP, we saw how Dean tried to be more than a Human (that I think he really is more than a Human!!!!) and Sam and Boby…..they really surprised me! I mean I expected that from Sam…..but Boby?! Well……let’s just say that Death is still the coolest Horseman ever!!!!! Don’t you agree?

After all these weeks, I can’t wait to get my dose of Supernatural!!!!!! I keep telling myself 13 days!!! Only 13 days!!!!!! And I’m sure tomorrow I’ll say: only 12 days!!!!! .... :D