Hi everyone!! how are you doing? cause I'm awesome! I know I'm a little two weeks late ... but late is better than never right? anyway... Have you seen the last EP? EP 15? "the French mistake"?!! wasn't that cool? well.... I think it was very cool...but kinda different than what I expected! you know...the whole acting and storyline was good, but I'm not sure what, but I'm sure something's missing. don't you?
I know the deal with Balthazar and Cas....but this....unexpected reappearance ... and using boys as a decoy... I don't know!!! these boys are important people! even Death knows that!!! they can't be used as objects!! one more reason for me to hate Raphael!!!!
but I liked seeing Sam and Dean as Jensen and Jared!!! cool !!! way to go boys!!!! but you know what? the Bobby Singer thing was a little off for me! don't know.... I think, or better say feel it's a little (sorry, a lot) different in the real backstage!!!! but again, maybe it's just me?!
let’s not forget how funny and hilarious was this EP!!!! I mean, just look at their faces!!!!
hey! if you feel the same as me, you must think where the hell is "Mother of al things"?!!!! she's kinda like the second but most horrible Apocalypse.......so......when is it gonna happen? I mean ....are our boys loosing their touch? what happened with Sam? he had an episode of hell and it's over now? common! don't make me regret loving you for a few eps!!!! please!!!!!!
In the end, I’m gonna put one pics EP 13, made by my very cool and supernatural friend, Girish. Thanks man. You’re the best