Tuesday, October 19, 2010

~ Balls ! ~

Hey there!

WOW! What a week! I believe “The weekend at Bobby’s” was seriously a big hit, cause every single fan keeps talking about it. Don’t you believe me?!see for yourself!

(Elina: I agree 100% that this episode was freakin awesome!!! Bobby has done so much for boys and in that short video about him I felt so sorry for him and understood that even I didn`t honor his effort well enough! He deserved every second in the spot light!)*****(AsoOslA: Jensen did an amazing job! hope he can direct more ep. and as for bobby really happy that he got his soul back and he really suffers allot poor guy couldn’t even eat his pie :( lol loved that crush he had over that woman and "balls" lol loved that line couldn’t stop saying it !!!!)*****(Jwan: it was more than great ep... i love Jensen's work.. he is awesome in acting and in directing... about the story line it was so touching... to see and feel Bobby and his hunting ways and his life between the phones.. that was good :D but his soul is back.. crowly is the new king of hell..cant wait to see more...)*****(Debbie: Have you recovered yet from our weekend at Bobby's? It was awesome wasn't it!) and so many other great fans on facebook!!!!

You know….watching EP got me thinking! … why they didn’t try this idea on Dean’s Deal!!!???? I mean they could find and burn Lilith’s bones, right?! Anyway, I guess there are so many questions on the subject! Cause this info is totally brand new!

You what else is brand new?! The new EP!!!!!! It’ll come in 2days!! And what an EP it’ll be! I think Dean isn’t getting along with Grandpa and this EP is kinda about the two of them! To be honest, since all the 4 EPs of this season have been each better than the other, I’m getting kinda nervous! But again, the Supernatural Team had never ever disappointed us before! So……there is nothing to be worried about! Right?! ;)
Weekend At Booby's


Unknown said...

yeah Nona you are right! they have never disappointed us and i am so sure that they well never ever do..... as for the next ep. live free or twi-hard! cant wait to see that. 5 reasons to show how AWESOME it will be! -1- mocking twilight ;) -2- exploring the life of a teenage-vampire-obssesd -3- HELLO VAMPIRES -4- Dean ........... ((((dont want to spoiler anything but most of you might know what i am talking about)))) -5- its supernatural how can it not be AWESOME!!!!!!

Unknown said...

BTW nona love the new changes ;) awesome job!!! you always make the best stuff :D keep it up!!!!

engelic said...

I love your new look too :) and yeah episodes keep getting better, I think I am most excited this season than ever!!!! I wish they finally get to Sam issues, from all the rest questions (and there are a lot) this bugs me the most....

Jwan said...

hey honey.. i am watching the new ep.. and i am this close to hate Sammy.. what the hell is wrong with him???

DarkBeauty73 said...

Another great show and all about Bobby which was great, an added bonus it was directed by Jensen.

I thought we were getting back on track with things but dam if this weeks didn't throw a monkey wrench into things.