Sunday, October 24, 2010

live free or twi hard

What an EP! I seriously loved it! You know……I’m a Dean girl and I’ve said it too much! Me and Hana were talking about new season a long time ago and we thought, “the new season, Sam’s gonna be like Dean! So he’s probably gonna have more screen time than Dean! And he’s gonna be the center of attention!!!!!!” but then, we didn’t have a clue about thing’s he’s gonna do!!!! And as far as his attitude, he’s nothing like Dean!! He’s using his brother as prey and even Samuel, the Gran pa see’s right through him! Almost everyone is now dying to know what’s wrong with the cute dude with Hot Body?!
Ok, I guess we’ve talked enough about Sam, and made sure he’s the center of attention!!!! now it’s time for the beauty of Supernatural! God I loved the beginning of the Ep ….the dialogs were kinda like Twilight and the attitudes…..common! they were just great! These vamps seriously make you wanna become one of them! I loved it when the boys entered the girl’s room! Didn’t you?! The look on their faces!? So cool!
The last but not least subject is my fav Hunter!!!!! And Fav Vmap in this EP too!!!!!! Of course it’s Dean!!!!! I mean the man became a vamp and he fought it! He did what no one else (including Sam in a way) couldn’t do! YAY for Dean!!!! I think the saddest parts of this EP were when Dean became a Hunter and when he was acknowledging Sam that he knows his brother got his back!!!! Something that he knows isn’t true!


Jwan said...

u got that right Nona.. i couldn't look at Sam in this ep.. he is willing to sacrifice his brother for his agenda.. what the hell??? i mean come on Sam..this is Dean we r talking about... oh poor Dean.. he thought that he can count on his brother ... what a frustrating thing... and the ep line.. well who doesn't like vamps? lol... and Dean was a sweet vamp.. love him :))

engelic said...

My heart broke not only for Deans suffering about Sam (wich I have nothing new to say about, I think he creeps us all out, I couldn`t look at him!) but also about Lisa and Ben.... they looked really freaked out... i don`t know, when i think there is nothing more painful Dean could go through they prove me much can one man take?! But to fun part - Twilight references were so freaking awesome!!! That cracked me up, I love SPN!!!! That part with dude wearing glitter - LOL!!!!