Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pilot ~ first things first!

Hi everybody! this is my fist post on this weblog and I guess I'm supposed to say something about it! well, I know one thing for sure and that is "I love Supernatural". (I'm only talking about the TV show!) so I love talking about it and getting news about it! I live in Iran, so for obvious reasons, I don't have access to so many social networks like facebook or tweeter (although I have accounts in both sites). I have great friends from websites like Buddytv and facebook and I really enjoy chatting with them, so .....
I used this weblog as an excuse to fulfill both purposes!
Hope everyone have great time in here and feel free to leave me massages!
BTW, to my friends from buddy! guys, I'm gonna upload my pics here!
So.... I'll be more than happy to know what you think about them!
thanks everyone!


Unknown said...

WOW! great job Nona! really! great idea! well as an Iranian fan & as a friend I'm with u!;)

DarkBeauty73 said...

well hello, fancy meeting you here, lol. I have a blog if you like to follow . I have been trying to post daily. Looking forward to seeing what ever you decide to blog.

Hana said...

Hey, Nona, is that really you? Wow..I'm proud of you girl..This is awesome!..Count on me.Whatever you need, just let me know .. ;)

Unknown said...

omg Nona i missd you so much ! its realy great hearing from you again :)

Unknown said...

Hi ,Nona ,I love Supernatural too,I am a Dean girl too!!! Supernatural is a special show.
Congratulations for your blog !!!