Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Watch Jensen Ackles Direct!

Hi everyone!
I'm gessing almost everyone knows by now that Jensen Ackles has directed next week's EP! as for me, HE's such a talented, smart, and SO good looking actor (obvious, I know!) that I believe he can do anything that he wants! and after watching this video and preview of next EP, I sure hope to see more serious works from him! I think he hasn't reached his potential yet and he deserves a lot more serious roles and jobs! let's keep our fingers crossed and wish the bbest for him!
Great Job Jensen!
two more vids on jensen directing:


Jwan said...

this is great.. can't wait to see Jensen directing.. i am sure it will rock...

Unknown said...

jensen looks so happy directing! im sure he'll de great... cant wait to see his work.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I'm so excited for watching his work!! on the other hand I'm kinda sad that in this ep we won't have much of Dean!:( but Hurray for Jensen's work as a director!!

engelic said...

O.K. Nona I have no idea what am i doing here and how this stuff works or how to send messages or anything here! :@ but I got here to finally reach u somehow and hopefully i`ll figure this out sooner or later! If u know how this works please contact me! I`m in stupid level here yet :D Sory hun :(