Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wierd for Boby!

Things are getting wiered for Bobby?! kidding me?! In new season, the wiered is written all over it!
This is what my friend AsoOolA thinks:" i think that what ever brought sam and the Campbells back is not doing it for them! there must be a missing piece about it that i cant wait to know and Cas he changed like omg what happend to the characters Dean, from "shoot-first-ask-questions-later" to a responsible wanna-be father! sam, from unicorns to useing a baby as a bait " and she's got a really good point!
and my friend Jwan says:" SPN so far is good.. i am waiting for the biggest event. when we know whats wrong with Sammy...but i think Rafael is the one who brought him back.. to start the war all over again... not sure.. i love the new Dean... he is so good as a father" and I can't agree more with both!
I just hope we get more answers in the next EP! I'm sure looking for more! How about you?


Jwan said...

Boby and his soul is a big problem now... how they will get it back???

Unknown said...

Wonder if bobby will get his soul back!!! and i cant wait for this ep especially that it'll be a double duty for jensen ;)