Thursday, November 25, 2010

Supernatural Thanksgiving

Happy thanksgiving

Hi everyone. Hope you’re fine. Well….I’ve been busy, and I’m sorry for posting so late…but you know what they say…better late then never, right? anyway….wow! What an EP… ferries?! Leprechaun?! Aliens?!!!! WOW!!! What’s next? Pinocchio?! Aladdin and the magic lamp?! Common….I know Sam’s just a little (ok, way) out of his soul…but this was a little too much!!!!! In this EP, I kinda was agreeing with Sam. I mean if Sam was the old Sam and Dean was the old Dean….I may have loved this EP a lot more! (and I’m not saying I didn’t love it!) Dean being abducted…just a little… know… too X-files!! Or Taken….but they made a really serious point there…..what is Sam really doesn’t understand what’s a soul for! And what if… you know…he doesn’t want one after all !!! Dean, with all the love I have for the guy…he’s changing….and even just for that…I don’t like the new situation.

this pic was created by "Erica Frödeberg" a very great friend from Facebook.

Sam, he’s really funny(or not) but he’s totally different. It’s like the writers are writing Dean’s dialogues for Sam and vice versa! Except that Dean was funnier!!! (you know I’m a Dean girl). But to be honest, I feel this Ep, was kinda SOOO Desperate…not really my Supernatural. There are so many loose ends from before … seriously, I would have loved to see Gabriel or some other funny angel like him… . after all the things they’ve been through….an EP like this was like their “Alice in wonderland”!!! or at least I think so!

Maybe things get more serious and more SUPERNATURAL for me (and for all of us). Let’s hope things get to their basics…cause this new Supernatural…’s not like before …. Not at all!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

having soul equals suffering

hello buddies..well this ep was cool and funny in every way... loved the theme... the X-files and aliens .... loved loved Dean... how he was going crazy.. we all love crazy Dean :D and Dean teaching Sam what empathy means, but i don't think he will ever get it... no feelings so..... i loved Sam when he gave the waitress the silent "how u doin" that was awesome... i don't know why but i love the new Sam. i know he is not Sam but this careless character and saying what ever came to his mind is new and i like it...don't know..
Fairies??? no kidding... but why the take the first born?? what for??
now the leprechaun that can bring Sam's soul back.. first, can he??? and why Sam didn't say yes?? i am thinking he doesn't want his soul.. or Sam's body like the idea of being free with no chains... cos having a soul equals suffering.... who wants that?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some Questions! ???

I made this collage to kinda show my mixed feelings about Sammy’s new situation.
Hello everyone! Hope you’re doing ok. Since the last post, there have been so many interesting comments! And I was……well…..let’s just settle with happy for now! :D so first of all, thanks for commenting. @Hana: girl, here, you can say anything at all! Sam’s fans can say their ideas too! So feel free to share ideas. Special thanks to DarkBeauty73 and Girish, for letting me use their pics.

There have been so many different ideas ….but the punch line is, Sammy’s fan or not, everyone’s kinda sad (and mad) about the new Sam’s behavior. He’s not nice like before, (if we agree that he had ever been nice)…and he’s not making things easier for Dean. Oh…Dean… poor Dean (sorry, our poor Dean). He’s been one man standing since the first EP of season one. He is and always will be the funny dude! The crazy one! And the hot one too!!!!  At the same time, our friend Engelic mentioned a really nice point! What is at one point, the new Sam, Robo-Sam, decides that he’s a better hunter, and for whatever other reason, he doesn’t want his soul back!??? That could kill Dean at once!!!! (Or get Sam killed by Dean for that matter!!!) Let’s just hope that’s not the case!!!!!
For the last EP, as my friend Jwan has mentioned, Dean wants his brother back, and so do we!!!! Hope it’s not costing too much!!! Other than Sammy’s soul, there is another Winchester in the pit yet!!!! I really would love to hope that Adam has been sent to heaven at the time of being possessed by Michael…..but since we all know how reasonable and passionate Michael is, I think it’s safe to say that Adam’s still in the pit. So after retrieving Sam’s soul, is it gonna be another Deal for Adam, so he can go to heaven?! I certainly hope not!!!!! Enough with the heaven and Hell!!!!!!! But that’s just me!
Oh…..there is one thing that bothers me the most!!!!! Grandpa!!!!! Why is he back?! Just for hunting Alphas? More than that……there has been a really tricky question… come Demons, with all their strange powers, can’t hunt whatever the hell is that they want? How come they need hunters?! But let’s not get out of line now and just stick with: What the hell is Grandpa back for? Just helping Demons? What’s he getting instead?! Log age?! I can’t wrap my mind around the idea……but I have two really nice questions for you: how many other hunters are brought back by Crowly, and how much other hunters know about them?!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sam: “I don’t even care about you“

Hi everyone. How have you been? You know…with the way our show is taking off…..guess we’ll see more of brotherly love toward the end of season!!!!! This time, DEAN isn’t so willing to go through the ordeal (not that I blame him) but to be honest…..I love the idea. As soon as I knew Sam was soulless, I felt “well, not a bad idea!!! He wasn’t such help when he had so many feelings at the same time, maybe now he’s better”. And to be honest, I think I wasn’t that wrong. He is better this way! His idea of being honest, maybe kinda painful for Dean, but it’s not something new with Sam! He’s hurt his brother a lot before! When he actually had a soul!!!! So, it’s kinda like nothing’s really changed! But on the other hand……so many friends think he’s not safe to be around! And I truly agree with them! But just remember! Sam’s never actually been safe to be around! And Dean….it’s not a new thing for him….sometimes I feel he doesn’t really want his brother back…..but he does the right thing, All the time. Since his brother’s body is back…..he knows it’s necessary for that body to be filled with soul! So he does it. He loves Sam and I know Sam, if he had a soul, would have loved Dean as much……but this brotherhood…’s becoming lethal!!!!! Even more than before……….

The pic below, is made by my friend Girish Krishna. As you remember, I used to make a graffiti for each EP, but I saw this on FB, and I think it’s perfect! Don’t you agree?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Honest Sammy

hello my friends..i dont know what u think about this episode but i loved it... specially when Sam was honest about himself and his feelings which they don't exist any more...
about the mystery of this ep and the skinwalker was great.. but why they r been recruited?? what for?? still there r more things keep showing up with no answer..
boys boys never trust a demon ,, Crawoly now is the king of hell... too risky to work with... i but we need Sam's soul... if i were Dean i would do what ever takes to get Sam back... he wants his brother back and we all want the same thing...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ROBO SAM and The Grandpa deal

Hi every one!!!! Hope you’re doing as great as I am! Cause I’m feeling awesome!! For the first time in a long time, both our boys are working together!!!!! I mean together together! And they are trusting each other more than before!!(well, ok, kinda)!!! Is that great or what? You know….at first, when I found out that Sam was soulless it was really scary…..but now, I’m thinking it’s not such a bad idea after all! He gets to be more efficient! But the problem is, he is more shoot first ask questions later than Dean!!!!! And Dean is really hot headed in that area!!!!!!! But again…..spending the last year with Liza had affected Dean! It’s not totally bad! I mean with Sam’s new situation…..but again….I’m kinda afraid that their relationship becomes like parent and child!!!!!! Witch I really don’t want to see!!!!!!!

Wow! Who would have believed Gramps was the mouse!!! Or the moose!! (I know, I was trying to be polite!)!!! Anyway……working for Crowley? What the hell? Kidding me? Man! You’ve been dead for a long time now!!!!!!!!! Why do you care for being here!!!!! You’re supposed to be dead!! What could you possibly want? HAIR? If he doesn’t care to be killed by our boys……then maybe he’s here because of them?! I don’t know why, but still there are things that he’s not talking about!!!

And purgatory!!!!!!! Gotta be kidding me!!! Since now, all the fight was over heaven or hell…..and now they need purgatory as well?!!!!!! Do all angels know about it too? Cause it seems they’re butting heads with each other over nothing!!!!! No surprise there is no GOD!!!! God didn’t bother to put things back in order after apocalypse!!!!!!!! You know…… he didn’t actually do hell of a job raising his kids…..we all have seen Michael, Lucifer …… so what in the world was he thinking leaving the place for good?!

Guess I’ve talked too much!!!! Let’s see what our boys have for us in the next EP! Cause I really would love to see them hunting!!!!! Especially, I would love to see ROBO-SAM, working with Dean!!!!!! (I love the new ROBO-SAM!! Have I mentioned that?)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What an amazing ep... what a drama in there... i loved it that i watched 3 times ... its everything i needed to understand ... oh Sammy.. i feel sorry for him..its not his fault that he is soulless.. i never thought of that.. i thought his is being more tough.. trying to be more like Dean... but not this....empty inside...can't feel.. how does that feel like??:D

the most i loved about this ep that the brothers r back working together same they did....
Hope they find a way to get Sam's soul back soon... i miss the sweet Sam...

Thursday, November 4, 2010


First i wanna say THANK U NONA.. for this opportunity to share ur blog .. u r a great, wonderful, amazing friend :)
Now back to Sammy.. i love Sam and i adore him.. but what the hell?? we all knew there is something wrong with him but Dean is not just ur brother.. he is the best partner u can hunt with ...Sam.. come back.. the sweet loving man we knew ... with a sweet smile and caring look.. plz..