Saturday, November 6, 2010

What an amazing ep... what a drama in there... i loved it that i watched 3 times ... its everything i needed to understand ... oh Sammy.. i feel sorry for him..its not his fault that he is soulless.. i never thought of that.. i thought his is being more tough.. trying to be more like Dean... but not this....empty inside...can't feel.. how does that feel like??:D

the most i loved about this ep that the brothers r back working together same they did....
Hope they find a way to get Sam's soul back soon... i miss the sweet Sam...


engelic said...

Episode was great, only I don`t feel like they are together...Sam can`t be trusted, his judgments are wrong, like he was ready to shoot grandpa, he could turn against Dean any time... he has lost what makes him Sammy... and Dean has to get it back and do it FAST!!! :( Good thing - we`ll see more Crowley, I like him! :) And the new story line - awesome! More good stuff on the way! :)

Unknown said...

Love the episode!!! allot of questions were ansserd... and of course allot are asked now!!!! Why is Samuel working for Crowley? and Why does Crowley wants Sam's soul? and What was Samuel hiding from Sam & Dean??? when they came in he had a paper in his handes... Why did he instantly hide it? what is it!!!!!!!