Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some Questions! ???

I made this collage to kinda show my mixed feelings about Sammy’s new situation.
Hello everyone! Hope you’re doing ok. Since the last post, there have been so many interesting comments! And I was……well…..let’s just settle with happy for now! :D so first of all, thanks for commenting. @Hana: girl, here, you can say anything at all! Sam’s fans can say their ideas too! So feel free to share ideas. Special thanks to DarkBeauty73 and Girish, for letting me use their pics.

There have been so many different ideas ….but the punch line is, Sammy’s fan or not, everyone’s kinda sad (and mad) about the new Sam’s behavior. He’s not nice like before, (if we agree that he had ever been nice)…and he’s not making things easier for Dean. Oh…Dean… poor Dean (sorry, our poor Dean). He’s been one man standing since the first EP of season one. He is and always will be the funny dude! The crazy one! And the hot one too!!!!  At the same time, our friend Engelic mentioned a really nice point! What is at one point, the new Sam, Robo-Sam, decides that he’s a better hunter, and for whatever other reason, he doesn’t want his soul back!??? That could kill Dean at once!!!! (Or get Sam killed by Dean for that matter!!!) Let’s just hope that’s not the case!!!!!
For the last EP, as my friend Jwan has mentioned, Dean wants his brother back, and so do we!!!! Hope it’s not costing too much!!! Other than Sammy’s soul, there is another Winchester in the pit yet!!!! I really would love to hope that Adam has been sent to heaven at the time of being possessed by Michael…..but since we all know how reasonable and passionate Michael is, I think it’s safe to say that Adam’s still in the pit. So after retrieving Sam’s soul, is it gonna be another Deal for Adam, so he can go to heaven?! I certainly hope not!!!!! Enough with the heaven and Hell!!!!!!! But that’s just me!
Oh…..there is one thing that bothers me the most!!!!! Grandpa!!!!! Why is he back?! Just for hunting Alphas? More than that……there has been a really tricky question… come Demons, with all their strange powers, can’t hunt whatever the hell is that they want? How come they need hunters?! But let’s not get out of line now and just stick with: What the hell is Grandpa back for? Just helping Demons? What’s he getting instead?! Log age?! I can’t wrap my mind around the idea……but I have two really nice questions for you: how many other hunters are brought back by Crowly, and how much other hunters know about them?!


Jwan said...

good questions my friend and the most important is what Engelic asked.. but dear Sammy was nice.. he was so nice that he was defending vampires... he finds (found) the good in every creature, even demons...

engelic said...

I can`t get rid of idea that Sam is useing Deans wish to get Sams soul back to make him work for Crowley and actually he himself doesn`t want it back... I had this question all along and now from all the spoilers it looks like it might be true... we all know this is not Sammy, so what this Robo-Sam is up to? If he likes this life, why is he playing along???