Thursday, November 25, 2010

Supernatural Thanksgiving

Happy thanksgiving

Hi everyone. Hope you’re fine. Well….I’ve been busy, and I’m sorry for posting so late…but you know what they say…better late then never, right? anyway….wow! What an EP… ferries?! Leprechaun?! Aliens?!!!! WOW!!! What’s next? Pinocchio?! Aladdin and the magic lamp?! Common….I know Sam’s just a little (ok, way) out of his soul…but this was a little too much!!!!! In this EP, I kinda was agreeing with Sam. I mean if Sam was the old Sam and Dean was the old Dean….I may have loved this EP a lot more! (and I’m not saying I didn’t love it!) Dean being abducted…just a little… know… too X-files!! Or Taken….but they made a really serious point there…..what is Sam really doesn’t understand what’s a soul for! And what if… you know…he doesn’t want one after all !!! Dean, with all the love I have for the guy…he’s changing….and even just for that…I don’t like the new situation.

this pic was created by "Erica Frödeberg" a very great friend from Facebook.

Sam, he’s really funny(or not) but he’s totally different. It’s like the writers are writing Dean’s dialogues for Sam and vice versa! Except that Dean was funnier!!! (you know I’m a Dean girl). But to be honest, I feel this Ep, was kinda SOOO Desperate…not really my Supernatural. There are so many loose ends from before … seriously, I would have loved to see Gabriel or some other funny angel like him… . after all the things they’ve been through….an EP like this was like their “Alice in wonderland”!!! or at least I think so!

Maybe things get more serious and more SUPERNATURAL for me (and for all of us). Let’s hope things get to their basics…cause this new Supernatural…’s not like before …. Not at all!!!!

1 comment:

Jwan said...

well sweety i liked it..i know its too much but still it was good and funny.. Dean isnt Dean and Sam isnt Sam.. thats we know from the first ep. but i think we r going there ... and u r right anout funny angels..i miss them too:)